Homesteading is raising your own food, working with other homesteaders, and making the land healthier than when you started.

Boiling off Sap for Maple Syrup

I did have cages for all the rabbits, but I now just let them run  free in the barn and have their little ones where the want to.  It saves a lot of wasted food and work.  They can go out and eat grass and I have a large bowl of pellets and water for them in one of the stalls. Plus I give them a piece of apple every morning when I feed the sheep.

Is it cheaper to make hay or buy hay?

Gardening and processing your vegetables saves a lot.

My sawmill allows me to use my timber to build projects on the farm. My choice is Woodland Mills Portable Sawmills | Woodland Mills USA

JFK Tree Farm Machine Shed and all the frame work was made at the sawmill.